

Notes TODO Shortcut keys


Screen Layout
The currently open tree (tree means the whole notes with parent-child relationship) will be displayed in tabs. The tree you are working on will be displayed in orange. If you have not opened the tree, it will not be displayed in the tabs, even if you have created it.
The contents of the tree you are working on will be displayed. The title of the note is displayed hierarchically. The currently selected note will be displayed in orange.
The contents of the currently selected note will be displayed and can be edited. The first line will be the title of the note.

Adding a tree
Press the "+" button in the upper right corner of the screen.
In the dialog box that appears, enter a title and click the "Create" button.
The created tree will be displayed in the tab.

Adding a note
Click on a note to show the context menu and select "Add below" or "Add child".
If you select "Add below", a new note will be created below the existing one.
If you select "Add child", a new note will be created at the lower level of the existing one.

Save the tree
When a note is updated by editing, it is automatically saved. The saved date and time will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.


Screen Layout
The buttons for operating the TODO will be displayed.
A list of TODO's will be displayed. You can separate them with a divider line. A TODO can be tagged.

Open the TODOs
Click the check mark button in the upper right corner of the screen to display the list of TODOs.

Adding a TODO
Press the plus button to add a new TODO.

Adding a divider
Press the dotted line button to add a divider.

Save the TODOs
When a TODO is updated, the TODO is automatically saved. The saved date and time will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.